Rashidat Odeyemi

Your Dream Strategist Rashidat Odeyemi is a life coach, business consultant, and speaker that helps Black women quit being a ‘strong Black woman,’ redefine who we are beyond our job titles, and take actions to become that woman.

About this speaker

After burning out as a fashion designer in corporate America, Rashidat almost repeated the cycle as an entrepreneur before finally building the lifestyle freedom she enjoys today. Now, Rashidat guides Black women who feel stuck & uber-responsible to create their soft life.

As a digital nomad, she's traveled to 30+ cities domestically and internationally, yet now, as a recovering workaholic, her most notable accolade is being present when her goddaughters were born and having the lifestyle freedom to spend months with friends and family anywhere in the world without having to ask for time off. She can’t wait to help you do the same!

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Move Abroad Fails to Avoid

October 13, 2024, 09:00 PM
Dr. Maya Williams Rashidat Odeyemi