Schooling Kids Abroad

Schooling Kids Abroad

Join our panel discussion on the various education options for your kids while living abroad. We'll cover online learning, local schools, and international school systems, giving you insights into the best approaches for your family's unique needs.

October 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

12:00 AM - 01:30 AM

About The Speakers

Zoe Smith

Zoe Smith

The Exodus Collective

Casaundra Freeman

Casaundra Freeman

Work With Your Voice

Worldschooling Mom, Voice Actor, Founder of Work With Your Voice - Black Woman Edition

Jenita Lawal

Jenita Lawal

CEO, Lawal Services

Jenita Lawal is a dynamic community builder and location-independent business owner who has successfully transitioned from a corporate career to a laid-back, semi-retired lifestyle in Mexico.