Time to get out? The path starts here. ExodUS Summit 2024. Helping Black women and families move to a new country. 5th annual virtual summit. As seen in Essence, Bloomberb Businessweek, CondeNast Traveler.

this is how moving abroad can go when you don't have support:

• Where do you start? How do you afford it? And how do you even get a residency visa anyway?

• You get nothing but discouragement from other people.

• You just give up. Maybe this is for other people, not for you.

And that leads to you withering in a country that doesn't serve you. We don’t want that for you.

For the past 5 years, ExodUS Summit has given thousands of Black women an exit strategy — even women who started out thinking moving abroad was just a far off dream. ExodUS Summit will help you too.

"feeling adventurous in Panama City, Panama.

I am reporting a big milestone. As of today, I am officially a temporary resident of the Republic of Panama.

I am so grateful to ExodUS Summit for inspiring dreamers like me to keep moving forward despite doubts and fears.

Your impact is immeasurable."

Alfreda M., Panama City, Panama

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "feeling adventurous in Panama City, Panama.

in ExodUS Summit 2024 you'll learn...


Wow.. it is such a beautiful and precious feeling to be blessed, supported and cheered on by other black women. Other sistahs. Thank you. I love this community.

Thank you Roshida Dowe, Stephanie Perry and your team Frances Hunt for creating a community of LOVE. 
Jacquie Moses

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I have attended EVERY Summit and the 2 meetups. 

All of these experiences have completely CHANGED MY LIFE!

2020 - I was feeling frustrated and stuck in a life that no longer met my deep needs. The first ExodUS Summit '20 said, "Hey girl! Did you know you could live the life of your DREAMS?" 👀

2021 - ExodUS Summit '21 answered the question "But HOW do I make it happen?" 🤔 It gave me the accountability sisters and community I needed to put my year-long, sabbatical plan in action.🙌🏾

2022 - We put our Sabbatical plan in action and moved to Mexico! 🥳 

ExodUs Summit '23 said, "Wanna make this sabbatical a permanent LIFESTYLE? Let us show you the MONEY and how to make that happen!"

If ever there was a poster child for someone who badly needed the ExodUS Summits and community, it was ME. Now, I'm paying it forward. LET'S GET FREE, y'all!

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• How much would it actually cost me to move abroad? How do I even figure out my numbers?

• How have Black women whose list of reasons they "can't move abroad" looks like mine still moved abroad — forever or for a while?

• And what about healthcare and insurance? And the kids? How do we live our best lives?

The ExodUS Summit community is 18,000+ Black women strong! That means there's a woman in ExodUS Summit who had a list of reasons she thought she couldn't move abroad that looks a lot like your list. 

And now she's already abroad. 

Away from the exhaustion and overwhelm and dangers of this country, to a place where she can thrive. You deserve it too. Let the speakers at ExodUS Summit 2024 open new doors for you.

october 11 - 14, 2024 | online


All Access Pass ExodUS Summit 2024 [$349]

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • All summit sessions available

  • Content available until 09/30/2025

ALL Access Pass includes:

  • ExodUS Summit 2024 regular sessions live + replays through September 2025
  • Virtual Happy Hour with other ExodUS Summit 2024 attendees
  • Bonus Remote Jobs Workshop with Libryia Jones [All-Access Pass only]
  •         Bonus Homeschooling Workshop with Jenita Lawal [All-Access Pass only]
  •         Bonus Money Workshop with Adalia Aborisade [All-Access Pass only]
  • Bonus Salons / Breakout Room access [All-Access Pass only]
  • [optional] Bundle this ticket with REPLAYS of ExodUS Summit: Move Abroad Money for $150. Access to Move Abroad Money session replays through September 2025. Link to add on Move Abroad Money summit replays will be emailed after ticket purchase.

ExodUS Summit is online October 11 - 14, 2024

One Week REPLAY Ticket [$129]

  • Replays Only

  • All summit sessions available

  • Valid for 7 days from purchase

WEEKEND PASS includes:

  • ExodUS Summit 2024 regular sessions replays for one week
  • Bonus Remote Jobs Workshop with Libryia Jones [All-Access Pass only]
  •         Bonus Homeschooling Workshop with Jenita Lawal [All-Access Pass only]
  •         Bonus Money Workshop with Adalia Aborisade [All-Access Pass only]
  • Bonus Salons / Breakout Room access [All-Access Pass only]
  • [optional] Bundle this ticket with REPLAYS of ExodUS Summit: Move Abroad Money for $200. Access to Move Abroad Money session replays through September 2025. Add on the Move Abroad Money summit replays at checkout.

This ticket is to watch the ExodUS Summit 2024 REPLAYS.

hi! we're roshida dowe and stephanie perry

We're the co-founders of ExodUS Summit.

We've helped THOUSANDS of Black women and their families move abroad for months or years or forever. It's easier than you think and better than you dreamed. 

Roshida (R) moved from the Bay Area to Mexico City in 2018, and Stephanie from Delaware (L) travels the world full time since 2015.

ExodUS Summit is our amazing, sharing community that has grown to over 18,000 Black women! This ExodUS Squad comes together every year for the virtual summit that's one part conference / one part family reunion.

Attendees and alumni of ExodUS Summit are living and traveling all over the world now. We hope you're next.

Register for ExodUS Summit 2024 and learn how to thrive abroad.

tickets for ExodUs Summit 2024


"your life could change this weekend.

I’m not telling you what I heard. I’m telling you what I know.

I’m Casaundra, voiceover artist and member of Exodus Summit since the inaugural event.

My two children and I now live in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. On any given day, I wake up from my bed, walk out onto my balcony, drink some tea, and listen to tropical birds squawking nearby. Then I go downstairs to my home studio, (pray the birds will quiet down) and in an hour, can make enough to cover my expenses for the month.

Then, when I’m done recording, I take my kids to the beach where we meet with their Spanish tutor or hit the road and travel to places they were previously just reading about in their geography books.

It’s the life I’ve always wanted.

I have it.

The community and guidance I’ve found here in Exodus Summit, is large part of the reason why.

Girl. Get your ticket."

Casaundra F., Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"your life could change this weekend.

frequently asked questions

you're one weekend away from:

"I know exactly where to start planning my move abroad."

"I have support and the tools to make progress."

"This has gone from a dream to a plan."

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you're one weekend away from: